The Holly Belles

With a modern day twist on that big band sound, this trio of ladies delivers class, charm and contemporary vocals to your favorite holiday tunes

The Holly Belles - Los Angeles Vocal Trio for hire at Entertainers Worldwide


Santa Claus Is Coming To Town

Blue Christmas

The Christmas Song

My Kinda Present

Run Run Rudolph

What Are You Doing NYE?

Man With The Bag

This Christmas

Oh Santa!

Santa Can You Hear Me


Santa's Comin'
For Us

Candy Cane Lane

Jingle Bells

Sleigh Ride

Jingle Bell Rock



  • What style of music do The Holly Belles perform?

    The Holly Belles perform classic and contemporary holiday music, with pop vocals on a remixed big-band sound.

  • Can I request specific songs to be performed?

    Of course! If we have it in our repertoire, then we will be sure to include it. We are also able to add custom songs and arrangements. Depending on the request, we may charge an additional fee, but reach out with any questions and we will be happy to help!

  • What kinds of venues can The Holly Belles perform for?

    We perform at private, public, and corporate events of any size. We have multiple sound amplification options. We also offer both pre-recorded and live virtual options for online events.

    We cater our set and performance toward each event and consult our clients on what options we offer and what we feel would fit best for your event.

  • Do The Holly Belles provide their own sound equipment?

    Yes! The Holly Belles has their sound system included. We are able to use our own speakers, or have them plugged into an existing sound system if necessary. 

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Entertainment Options

The DeadBeats
Jingle 5
The Holly Belles
Kira & The Major 3

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